
[:NitinGupta:Nitin Gupta]

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This page contains list of patches and other relatd code as it is being developed for Compressed Caching (for 2.6.x kernels) project. You can always find most up-to-date code at Project CVS (at Code is placed here when it achieves any particular (maybe small) thing.

The code is presently very raw but its helping me getting more experience with VMM code and how things are to be done :)

Kernel changes to support Compressed Caching:

Compression algorithms to kernel mode:

WKdm de/compression algorithm: attachment:compress-test.tar.gz

There are basically three main algorithms that are well studied w.r.t compressed caching by previous works -- WKdm, WK4x4, LZO.

Of these, WKdm, WK4x4 are designed to handle anon pages (non filesystem pages) while LZO is more suitable for filesystem data. (Also, in general, compression speed is in order: WKdm > WK4x4 > LZO, while compression factor order is, in general, reverse).

Currently, I have only ported WKdm to kernel mode: ( attachment:compress-test.tar.gz ): This is a kernel module to test port of WKdm algorithm to kernel mode. It creates two /proc entries: /proc/{compress, decompress} which behave as:

This makes it easy to test algotithm by simply comparing original file with /proc/decompress output and statistics can be obtained by reading /proc/compress. This module will serve as simple test-bed when porting other important de/compression algorithms w.r.t compressed caching (WK4x4, LZO).

LinuxMM: CompressedCaching/Code (last edited 2006-05-05 23:44:52 by triband-del-59)