#format wiki #language en == Nitin Gupta == EMail: [[MailTo(nitingupta910 AT gmail DOT com)]] [http://nitingupta.mail.googlepages.com/home My Other Home page is here] ---- === Things I'm currently working on... === Compressed Caching for Linux 2.6.x kernels ([http://code.google.com/p/compcache/ Project Home Page]) This project was part of Google Summer of Code '06 Program :) (Mentor: RikvanRiel, Org: Fedora) ---- === From the past... === * CIFS VFS: [attachment:patch-2.6.8-cifs-multithread.diff Patch for CIFS VFS module](Linux kernel 2.6.8) that improves network file copy performance from server(CIFS) by 10-15%. Sends multiple read requests to server in parallel instead of sending one request and wait for its response before sending next request as is done currently. This is done by starting multiple threads with each one fetching data at different file offsets. * Implemented Multi-threaded client-server program using Nokia CIMD protocol: This project involved implementing multi-threaded server with the CIMD protocol to handle large no. of clients simultaneosly. It was developed on Linux platform using g++. POSIX thread library was used for multi-threading. * Google Summer of Code '05...hehe my entry was not selected (Fedora people just don't like QT X-( ) but worked with Big Bro! [http://sachingupta107.googlepages.com Sachin Gupta] ([[MailTo(sachingupta107 AT gmail DOT com)]]) on his [http://nitingupta.mail.googlepages.com/livingkde-idea IDEA - Living KDE] which was selected. Nice time working with QT and KDE API :) [http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/soc-livingkde (SVN Branch: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/soc-livingkde/)]. The idea is great and this is just a 'proof-of-concept'. This implements labelling feature (as is provided by GMail) for [http://kmail.kde.org/ KMail]. Looking to Integrate this idea in a broader sense to KDE4.... ---- CategoryHomepage