
This is an almost complete design to approximate CLOCK-Pro replacement in a zoned VM with a big hash table instead of a non-resident list. Step 2 probably needs some work to filter out correlated references...

  1. new pages get added to the inactive (cold) list
  2. if they are referenced they go to the active (hot) list
  3. if an active page was referenced, it goes to the head of the list
  4. if an active page wasn't referenced, it goes to the head of the inactive list
  5. if an inactive page wasn't referenced, we remember we recently evicted this page
  6. if we recycled an empty slot in the non-resident table, we do nothing
  7. if we recycled an occupied slot in the non-resident table, we reduce the number of inactive pages we keep around
  8. if, on page fault time, we fault in a page that was on the non-resident table (ie. recently evicted), we add it to the active list immediately and increase the number of inactive pages we keep around
  9. if we end up refaulting too much (ie. too many pages have a reference distance of <2 times the size of memory), and the system load is high, we enable the swap token mechanism to prevent thrashing - we can measure this by looking at the goal for the number of inactive pages that this CLOCK-Pro approximation ends up setting

  10. active pages being referenced should also be used as an indication that we are indeed caching the working set, and the active list should not be shrunk too much - this emulates the HANDhot clears out Mtest pages from the CLOCK-Pro algorithm, but probably should not carry as much weight as recycling an occupied slot in the non-resident table

Correlated References Filter

In point 2. above, we really only want to promote pages from the inactive list to the active list when they were referenced again after their initial page fault and reference. In short, we need a way to filter out correlated references. One idea would be to have a "new pages" list that's maybe 5% or 10% the size of the inactive list. New pages (after a page fault of an unknown page) go onto this list, and the reference bit gets cleared when the page leaves the list, to be placed at the head of the inactive list.

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LinuxMM: ClockProApproximation (last edited 2005-04-24 19:05:07 by fangorn)